Presented by BCI President Robert Kempinski, USA
Recipients of the BCI Excellence Award:
Mr. Kawawa Seikichi received the medal for the best stone, a large Kama River waterfall stone in a suiban
Mr. Kiyoshi Tamai received a medal for a slanting style Japanese white pine. Photos by Tom Elias, USA
Presented by BCI President Rob Kempinski, USA
Recipient of the BCI Excellence Award:
Robert Pinder for his collected native Hackberry, Celtis laevigata. Raffle tickets and auction raised a nice sum to help the BCI fund raising campaign.
Presented by BCI Corresponding Secretary, Joan Greenway Canada.
Recipients of the BCI Excellence Award:
Vancouver Island Bonsai Society (VIBS) dedicated volunteers; Left to right, Maurice Bombezin, John Mitchell, Mark Paterson, Chuck Hickman, Joan Greenway, Barney Hiney, Randy Kowalchuk, Bob Taylor,
George Heffelfinger. Absent, Jane Palin. Photographs by Marg Leck/Brian Greenway/Bob Taylor.
Presented by BCI Directors Budi Sulistyo, Indonesia and Min Hsuan Lo, Taiwan.
Recipient of the BCI Excellence Award:
A Mai Chiếu Thủy or water jasmine. In Viet Namese Mai Chiếu Thủy means “can see the flowers from the reflection of water.” This describes the dangling flowers of the tree that look exceptionally beautiful in the mirror reflection that is created when the tree is near water. Photograph by Budi Sulistyo.
Presented by BCI Director Budi Sulistyo, Indonesia.
Recipients of the BCI Excellence Award:
Henky Wahyu for his Casuarina equisetifolia.
Puspo Adiyuwono for his viewing stone.
Presented by BCI Director Chiara Padrini, Italy
Recipients of the BCI Excellence Award:
Federico Spingolo, IBS Instructor, for his beautiful red pine.
Ezio Piovanelli for a viewing stone, a strong and dramatic mountain with waterfall.
Presented by BCI Director Kathy Coffman, USA
Recipient of the BCI Excellence Award:
Mel Goldstein for his Chinese elm. Mel bought this tree in China, but unfortunately the apex of both trunks died back. Over many years he painstakingly regrew and restyled them. The final result is lovely.
Presented by BCI First Vice President, Ian Glew, Australia
Recipients of the BCI Excellence Award:
Pham Bao Khanh Linh for his majestic Tiger fig which featured a beautiful landscape with cranes at a water’s edge.
Shannon Young of the Sunshine Coast Bonsai Society for his stunning Swamp Cypress.This tree was collected in 2009, first styling 6 months after, then carving and then into a pot.
Presented by BCI Directors, Kath Hughes, UK and Thomas Elias, USA.
Recipient of the BCI Excellence Award:
Hartmut Münchenbach for his Mugo pine, who also received the award for Best Tree from the European Bonsai Association. He also received the Sonderpries, awarded by one of the event sponsors. Photo by Malcolm Hughes
Presented by BCI Executive Director, Glenis Bebb, Australia
Recipient of the BCI Excellence Award:
Rod Lovett for his Chinese Elm, Ulmus parvifolia, grown from a cutting in 1993. It was grown in the ground for approximately seven years and then potted in a bonsai pot and styled. The height is 50 cm from the nebari. Tree width is 48 cm.
Presented by BCI Director, Pauline Muth, USA
Recipient of the BCI Excellence Award:
Mark Arparg for his Eastern White Cedar, Thuja occidentalis. Ryan Neil chose this tree as the Outstanding Bonsai for Bonsai Clubs International Excellence Award. This tree also won the ABS Award for Finest North American Species Bonsai at the 2010 US National Exhibition.